Mr. Anderson presumes that college admission is based on academic merit except in the case of athletes.
The decision to grant clemency should be based solely on considerations of justice and mercy in the immediate case, as divorced as possible from politics.
A successful defence could be based on any of these grounds in the case of secondary infringement or inducement.
All human languages are based on sound and hearing, or in the case of Sign Language, vision.
A source is assessed for reliability based on a technical assessment of its capability, or in the case of Human Intelligence sources their history.
The film is based in the case of a girl from Alagoinha, in Pernambuco.
The Government said its request for dismissal of the fraud charges was based on a review of documents and testimony in the case.
The experts said the questions were based on a 2001 decision by a federal district court in Maine in the case of Doe v. Rowe.
Such reports are based on speculation by the reporters or the lawyers in the case.
The arena for shared decision-making, based on partnership between families and local authorities - and between parent and parent in the case of divorce - is expanded.