The December 1961 adoption of the European anti-trust rights is based on his efforts to unite the French and German systems.
Author, Author, a novel by David Lodge published in the same year, was based on James's efforts to conquer the stage in the 1890s.
The 1998 American film The Siege is based on the FBI's modern efforts to crack down on terrorism.
Jollibee Foundation Scholarship- This scholarship is given to students who are recommended by the company based on their distinguished efforts.
The program was based on Kenneth Roberts' 1937 novel about Major Robert Rogers and his efforts to help the British during the French and Indian War.
Health magazine rates the top 10 healthiest fast food restaurants in America based on their efforts to provide nutritious fare.
Utah's efforts are based on the state's prior efforts to process healthcare claims.
Speer's detractors argue that his omissions and denials were based on his efforts to avoid execution at Nuremberg.
Many cashback offers are based on a retailers' efforts to meet network targets, which will result in a bonus payment from the network alongside the usual commission.
I'm going to click on the link in the best comment and hopefully that person gets at least a C+ based on my efforts.