This base operated as a single unit in 1971 and 1972.
Located in southern Illinois, the base operated from January 1801 to late 1802 before finally being abandoned.
As he spoke the words he realized that he didn't care if the base was operating again.
She knows this world from the inside, and her compassion is plain: she's seen how the base can operate as a support system.
The two bases operated independently of one another for more than 60 years before merging in 2010.
The base, located on the eastern end of the island, operated under wartime conditions for only seven weeks and was closed on 15 February 1919.
All morning long she had dogged Rolfe's steps, learning by quiet observation how the base operated.
With this secure base to operate from, let us prepare our ships for trade.
Yet I think we need to reconsider whether this is the most effective way for an agency that has several different bases to operate.
The democratic bases of the market economy must be operating before we can create a free trade area.