Influenced by major rock numbers from the early '80s, the young baseball enthusiast traded sports for music even when his parents weren't happy about his choice.
Most baseball enthusiasts agree that Viola's best year was 1988, his last full year with the Twins.
Most cherished by baseball enthusiasts is the continuity the game provides.
He got together with friends, neighbors and other baseball enthusiasts, formed a committee and bombarded officials with letters.
When King George's reign is a footnote, "Ball Four" will be read, and embraced, by new generations of baseball enthusiasts.
But then, the Moon facility had been built by joint American and Japanese engineers, both countries being baseball enthusiasts.
Saida, a big baseball enthusiast in his childhood, lost his left leg because of illness.
The word first become popular in reference to baseball enthusiasts.
Surveys in the year 2019 indicated that the body of baseball enthusiasts was less than half the size it had been two decades earlier.
He explained why he and other baseball enthusiasts relish the rawhide relic.