A year ago Monday, Bobby Bonds died of cancer, and now, his son is on the verge of baseball immortality.
He was booed off the mound in Wednesday's 7-3 loss and, at 35, his baseball immortality is suddenly in doubt.
But as a menu to design a midsummer meal featuring baseball immortality?
They were just the latest victims of Griffey as he relentlessly marches toward baseball immortality.
The Yankees achieved baseball immortality last night, becoming the first American League team to win 112 games in a season.
Instead, it became the first day that Cooperstown became a word for baseball immortality.
Notwithstanding the streak, if there is still any doubt as to whether Lou Gehrig deserves baseball immortality his career numbers dispel them.
Perhaps Mattingly, his own chance to be enshrined fleeting, counseled Williams about achieving baseball immortality.
Of his modest piece of baseball immortality, he said: "Hey, I get grief from my kids, but you have to be the leader in something.
On his Hall third ballot since retiring in 2004, Larkin achieved baseball immortality by getting 86.4 percent of the vote.