Such assessments may help to identify supports which can sustain and enhance this basic capacity of an elder.
Rawls believes there are two such basic capacities which the individuals know themselves to possess.
"We have a basic psychological capacity that allows anyone to reason about unexpected natural events, to see deeper meaning where there is none," he says.
Provide film production, with a basic capacity of 100 long films per year.
Several men said such a scenario was not unlikely, assuming the woman who was chosen had a basic capacity to do the job.
It means lack of basic capacity to participate effectively in society.
However, the basic capacity to recognize emotions is probably innate and may be achieved unconsciously.
But how do we maintain a basic capacity to spring back into action if we're needed in a hurry?
Democrats regard that basic capacity as the best protection against governmental incompetence and abuse of power.
In foreign language teaching, this basic human capacity is captured by the generative principle.