The false history derived from a basic contention that Poles loved the Soviet Union and Communism.
The basic contention of these volumes - that Ronald Reagan was brighter than most believed - is being amplified by a new group of revisionist historians.
The basic contention of their paper was that if Britain did not dominate an area, the Russians would.
"My basic contention is that she has no self-esteem," said the actress, who wears her reddish-brown hair cropped short under Nora's Barbie-dollish wig.
Rothken's basic contention remains that isoHunt is a search engine, nothing more.
But Mr. Greenwood's basic contention - that spending will rise as measured against what is now spent - is accurate.
Mallaby holds that Perkins' conception of international finance is "largely a dream" and that his "basic contentions are flat wrong."
The book's basic contention is that people in public places no longer bother to treat one another with even a semblance of Old World courtesy or respect.
His basic contentions were that early Buddhism has an empiricist outlook, gives a significant place to the analytic approach in philosophy, and does not contradict the findings of modern science.
The basic contention by the Court of Auditors is that the same cows have been paid for twice over.