They are nomadic hunters and slash-and-burn farmers, whose basic crop is manioc, an edible root and the mainstay of their diet.
But lawmakers left intact the program that is estimated to pay $16.4 billion in subsidies to farmers to grow basic crops like corn and wheat.
Using this system, not only do the farmers grow their basic crops of maize and beans, but also cash crops.
The local economy for much of this period was based on the run rig system, the basic crops being oats, barley and potatoes.
Most basic crops are cultivated, but conditions are difficult.
We also grow sufficient basic crops to be self-supporting, and we manage to graze some sheep and goats.
Someday, when the basic crops have stabilized, it may be time to start less... vital foodstuffs.
For consumers, the basic crop is packed in three-pound cellophane wrapped bags, 12 to a box.
The completion of the CAP will have the same adverse impact on other basic crops in my country.
Peanuts were designated by the U.S. Congress to be one of America's basic crops.