That dedication to our basic constitutional guarantees of freedom led to the American aggression this morning that almost killed me.
It is a basic guarantee of retirement security, built on a guaranteed minimum benefit.
The basic guarantee associated with the model is that all processes belonging to a group see the same events, in the same order.
It would not only impose a five-year cutoff but also end the basic guarantee of cash assistance for eligible poor families.
A basic guarantee remains: those who have not accumulated a minimum pension receive a Government allowance that can be considerably below the poverty line.
They undermine not just confidence in the police, but faith in the basic guarantees upon which the country was founded.
However, systems must be based on the first pillar, the public, redistributive pillar, as the only basic guarantee of adequate benefits.
The current situation now imposes the tracing of domestic animals as a basic guarantee for both farmers and consumers.
This, to me, represents a basic guarantee of the quality of drinking water.
Ostensibly, the purpose is to provide basic guarantees for the people; in reality, it's an attempt to check the Emperor's power with legal limits.