But there is a less easy sense of spanning different ages in the facade itself, and the problem is in the basic incompatibility of sleekness and classicism.
It was pointed out that there is a basic incompatibility between the authority and structure of formal organizations and the human personality.
These changes are caused by entropic delimitation, the basic incompatibility of material taken from one universe to another.
Finally, the case against markets often goes even further, to assert the basic incompatibility of markets and socialism.
"It seemed to us fairer, and indeed good governance, to recognize this basic incompatibility and remove it by fairly compensating those minority shareholders."
Sperry suggested that the separation of function in the two hemispheres is the consequence of a "basic incompatibility."
Common sense now tells us that any "short-term fix" for the eurozone will do nothing to address the basic incompatibilities which have been there since monetary union began.
The legend of the Imams, who had nearly all been assassinated, poisoned, imprisoned, exiled, and, finally, eliminated by the caliphs, represented the basic incompatibility of religion and politics.
The couple had increasing tensions over this and their basic incompatibility.
It is the basic incompatibility with the Plan.