By that time, half the members had left and the church was so short of cash it could not make basic repairs.
Yet the planning for even these basic repairs has led to debate within the group.
The limited budget available to the council for such work meant that only basic repairs were considered.
As a result, the Highway Authority cannot finance even some of its basic repairs.
The new auditorium is under construction for $1 million at a time when many schools are too poor to do even basic repairs.
Never mind that the amount falls far short of the $7 billion officials estimate is needed for basic repairs to the system's 1,069 aging schools.
They stayed for seven weeks so that basic repairs could be made to her hull.
In an era when other public schools need basic repairs, their cause might seem frivolous.
During the next few decades, under the direction of Elizabeth, only the most basic repairs and alterations were carried out.
Recently, concerns have been raised about the condition of the mill, and basic repairs are planned.