In practice, however, very few vehicles were delivered exactly in accordance with their basic specification.
Sometimes, the basic specifications will make reference to and incorporate other Federal specifications.
Changes between models were so minimal the rifle is considered to have been continually produced to the same basic specifications for over 100 years.
"However, I believe he will expect his new second officer to know something more about his vessel than its basic specifications."
Requirements and basic specifications like the type of engine, have yet to be settled, but Telemos is scheduled to enter service in 2020.
Nevertheless, it was found that only one modification to the basic specification of the model was required.
The basic specification for an affordable games PC is straightforward.
There is also a proposed new directive laying down basic specifications for spraying equipment to be placed on the market.
By contrast, full involvement means that people who will use a project are among those generating the basic specifications for it.
The basic specification, apart from the above-listed items, was of a standard Saab 96.