Your game is garbage," And 1 portrays itself as a fierce proponent of the younger, more assertive players that frequently set the teeth of basketball purists on edge.
This proposal drew criticism from most PBA coaches and basketball purists, who believe that the league should focus on rules applicable to the international game.
It is thumbs-down to basketball purists, but the reward for the team that flies the highest will be a trip to the Final Four.
It's the basketball purist who appreciates us.
Orender is a basketball purist and a realist.
Welcome to Sacramento, home of innovative thinking, land of basketball purists, hotbed of ensemble casting.
Any basketball purist would be appalled at the 10 percent shooting from 3-point range in the East.
Robertson, a basketball purist, is not a fan of the slam-dunk contests, sticking to the old adage that "a dunk is just two points."
"But more than anything, Kevin is a basketball purist."
A collective groan was heard from basketball purists worldwide.