It was not until 2001 when Dynamo reappeared in the Russian basketball scene.
The basketball scenes are especially good, although there are other times when the actors stand around, unsure of what to do.
Auslander drifted away from the basketball scene in the early 1980s and eventually moved to Nevada where he died in 1992.
After 1907, Cooke's dominance of the national basketball scene was greatly reduced.
In 1996, the 6'9" center made an impact in the Philippine basketball scene.
The specter of schools like Lutheran and Redemption leaving the prep basketball scene is already having an impact.
The dream sequences, the basketball scene, and the ending were all ideas of the studio.
The first is an extension of the basketball scene, showing the students of Class 3-B winning their game.
The dynamic player came onto the European basketball scene out of nowhere.
San Marino also have a vibrant basketball scene.