They also apply the nylon webbing used in basketball sneakers to clothing.
Pippen was wearing the same black-white-and-red basketball sneakers, size 15, that he wore during the game.
Along one wall was a line of worn basketball sneakers, size 8, next to some clothes and a Yankees cap.
She's in pumps and perfume, and her male charges wear size 14 basketball sneakers.
He is not even ruling out his basketball sneaker as a culprit.
Cohen arrived in the third quarter with nine pairs of basketball sneakers from the college.
The magazine forecast a smaller drop for basketball sneakers, which were already in a sales retreat in the past few years.
Converse has been making its popular All Star canvas basketball sneaker since 1917.
I explained that the large basketball sneakers had for the first time allowed me to use my toes while walking in shoes.
They weren't exactly walking boots, more like basketball sneakers, but they'd do.