The current agreement calls for at least 48.04 percent of basketball-related income to be distributed to the players.
According to the league, player salaries accounted for 57 percent of the owners' basketball-related income a year ago.
By the 1997-98 season, 57 percent of basketball-related income was used to pay players, while the previous deal called for a 48 percent split.
Each year, the salary cap is set at 48.4 percent of the previous season's basketball-related income.
It takes effect only if player salaries and benefits top 57 percent (55 percent before this season) of the league's basketball-related income.
If player compensation is above 55 percent of basketball-related income - a certainty - the money will go to the owners.
Besides the rapid growth in basketball-related income after salaries, here's what the players know.
The players have proposed a 60-40 division of basketball-related income; the owners have countered with a 50-50 share.
The larger issue is total revenue distribution; the players want to earn 60 percent of basketball-related income while the owners are offering a 50-50 share.
The alternative in the old proposal sought to bring salaries down to 50 percent of all basketball-related income over three years.