Drums and bass takes at the boat studio.
Finally, just before the fly literally ran out of water, the bass flashed silver and took it in a slow-motion gulp.
The bass were apparently taking swipes at the slider's long tail where no hook resides.
Striped bass, similarly, takes just enough Indian spices to create a little excitement, without overwhelming the meat.
The bass takes it again and a few other voices join him.
The real thrill comes when a bass takes the bait; the "hit" is powerful, and here I must be patient.
Black bass and northern pike have also taken flies in those waters.
The bass took 2 years to complete, earning it the nickname "Slow Joe".
Chris Oliver had played bass on the initial takes as a favor to Nate, and continued to play for a while after.
The bass quickly took to its new home and began eating the native inhabitants of the lake.