Gnawed bones at the entrance and some bat droppings.
Once at the bottom, however, getting into the hole was easy enough, though the inside was deep in dried bat droppings.
Maybe the ammonia smell came from bat droppings accidentally picked up here.
He explained that one way to identify primary exit points is to look for "elongated bat droppings stuck to the side of the house."
This photo was taken just as we got out - my right leg is covered in bat droppings from where I fell.
We came out on a fairly level floor of bat droppings and made good time to the village.
Certainly she wouldn't be rolling in the hay with him when the hay was reeking bat droppings.
As Ramses had noted, the smell of bat droppings is extremely pervasive and unpleasant.
Decayed bat droppings are not precisely poisonous, but they cannot be breathed in too long without ill effect.
The most common source of nitrates was bat droppings from caves.