Formed in battalion columns, the first line of battalions struck the 1st Guards Division.
All along the battalion column the companies were similarly dividing, their drill as crisp as though they were back on their Yorkshire parade ground.
The rebellion was soon brought under control by occupation of food centres and relentless pursuit of insurgents by battalion columns.
Arranged in two lines of battalion columns, the divisions advanced in echelon, with Seras leading.
Then, one by one, the battalion columns turned their backs on the enemy and began marching north towards the plateau.
At 09.00 hours this force advanced toward the Obensburg in three battalion columns and quickly overwhelmed the Jägers.
Meanwhile, the 42nd advanced on Acland in two battalion columns.
The French and Spanish infantry formed up behind the artillery positions in battalion columns.
Troops with less skill and of more dubious quality, making up the 'regular' part of the army, were formed into battalion columns.
A line of battalion double-company columns is most difficult to preserve in the darkness, and any confusion may lead to disaster.