Other battalion units were settling down in the western part of the village from which the enemy had fled after the first exchange of rifle shots.
As it turned out later, other battalion units had also fired on it.
All through the night of the nineteenth, battalion units still in contact with division headquarters reported their strength.
He was posted to 101 Light Infantry Battalion as a temporary company commander for battalion headquarter unit.
It was then downgraded to a battalion unit again in 1994, just three years before the unit was disbanded, in 1997.
My job was to monitor the radio communications of the ambushes and patrols of the battalion units in the field.
Communication inside the battalion unit is carried out by walkie talkie.
The Farouq Brigade is one of the more active FSA battalion units.
These battalion units were deployed chequerboard-like in three lines, again for mutual support.
It was then downgraded to a battalion unit again in 1994, and was renamed Norrlands ingenjörkår.