At times I have felt like a battered husband or boyfriend but I loved her.
When I finally admitted to myself that I was a battered husband, I decided to seek help and support.
O.J. Simpson said he felt like a battered husband.
"At times I have felt like a battered husband or boyfriend," he wrote.
Battered wives they have, and lots of battered husbands too.
Nellie looked very serious as she listened to her battered husband reliving his terrifying experience.
Phil tells Wyatt that he was a battered husband, Mona having hit him after having accused him of having an affair.
Counselors at shelters for homeless men say many battered husbands end up there.
Ethel rushed down the steps and slumped over her battered husband.
Speaking about Mrs. Simpson, he said, "At times I have felt like a battered husband or boyfriend, but I loved her."