Against one wall stood a battered sign made from two planks nailed together.
A battered sign marked a tavern called the Royal Falcon.
She had just passed the battered sign warning anyone from going any nearer.
A battered sign hung over the door.
A battered sign, announcing it as the Sea Steed, swung over the doorway.
Then she saw the battered sign atop the alcove, reading Hermitage.
It had a huge, battered sign at the end of a long ash pole.
The stagecoach building, or at least a replica, is still there, marked with a battered sign saying Carriage House.
The battered sign that read "Powder Gulch" pointed off the highway and along a narrow dirt road.
She did not understand what had happened, but she knew that this had been more of a real thrill than the battered sign had promised.