Battling Nelson.
Owen Moran won the lightweight boxing championship by knocking out Battling Nelson in the 11th round at a bout in San Francisco.
Tyson added: "A great fighter, Battling Nelson, said you judge a man's character by how much punishment he can take.
In the club's snack bar, he had two health drinks while talking boxing - mostly about old-timers like Battling Nelson and Joe Gans - with Giachetti.
He met future world champion Battling Nelson in two consecutive fights in 1904 and 1905, losing both by technical knockout.
Goldfield reached a peak population of about 20,000 people in 1906 and hosted a lightweight boxing championship match between Joe Gans and Oscar "Battling" Nelson.
Wedge trained "Battling" Nelson at St. Joe, Wisconsin in early September as he was "run down and needed the exercise", where he also engaged in street preaching.
He turned professional in boxing in 1910 and in 1911 captured the World Lightweight Title with a TKO win over Battling Nelson.
He was a highly-praised amateur boxer, and during his amateur days, former lightweight champion Battling Nelson said he was the best-looking prospect he had seen.
In 1941, the school hosted an amateur boxing night which featured Barney Ross, Johnny Coulon, and Battling Nelson (all former world champions) as referees.