Mayer battled alcoholism, which kept him from winning more often on the Tour.
Katz led a very troubled personal life and battled alcoholism for years.
But Lerner never stopped battling alcoholism, and it got harder in the spring of 1997.
The cause of death was not released but he had battled mental illness, alcoholism, and physical problems for many years.
He battled alcoholism and a crack cocaine addiction in his early-to-mid-20s.
As with several of her siblings, she also battled alcoholism and dependence on prescription drugs.
He fell into a severe depression and for years battled alcoholism.
Campbell's mother was battling alcoholism and her father had difficulty coping.
During the campaign, Hoff announced that he had battled alcoholism in the past.
By the late 1930s she was battling alcoholism and her acting career declined.