The player takes control of an enchanted ape who must battle hordes of jungle monsters with energy balls from his mouth (described humorously as "monkey-spit" or "monkey-vomit" by some gamers).
During the game, players make their way through forests, tunnels, and caves, battling hordes of enemies and collecting treasure, magical items, and additional weaponry to get past the obstacles and hazards that lie in their path.
The player finds himself battling hordes of evil creatures including mummies, Anubis soldiers, scorpions and evil spirits.
That feels more rewarding than just battling tougher enemies or large hordes of tough enemies.
Astro soon finds himself battling hordes of robots and monsters as he tries to save various people and prevent a human-robot world war.
It's a system better designed for battling hordes, crowd control and squishy orks.
He battled Hounds, soulless creatures created by Darquill, and hordes of drug addicts and common criminals.
Starship Troopers In a new American suburbia that somehow winds up outside Buenos Aires, fresh-faced high school graduates compete not for prime college spots but top assignments in the great coed army battling hordes of insects the size of Quonset huts that scuttle around slicing people in half with razorlike pincers.
Riots raged on the streets of Chandigarh as his troops battled hordes of angry demonstrators, provoked by the most recent round of arrests and assassinations.
Below him, he knew, Splock and Duo were battling increasing hordes of beetle-armored warriors, the wall of crisped corpses moving nearer and nearer to them as more berserk warriors threw themselves across the bodies of those who had gone before.