But American troops have been occupied battling insurgents farther to the south.
Pakistan has for years battled insurgents in the northwest and the tribal belt, with more than 3,000 soldiers killed in the battle against militancy.
In the following days, the company battled insurgents around Qurghan Tapa, and the experience cemented his resolve to control the nearby hill.
Mr. Lo's drug career began when he commanded a home guard unit battling Communist insurgents.
The release came as Liberian soldiers battled insurgents near the Guinea border.
The marines were killed in separate incidents in the province, which includes Falluja, where American forces have been battling insurgents, the military said.
American troops in Iraq are battling insurgents to keep open vital military supply lines in and out of Baghdad.
Most American troops now battling Iraqi insurgents are too young to know Lansdale's name.
The constitutional agreement came as violence continued across the country, with American and Iraqi forces battling insurgents in central and northern Iraq.
The Pentagon expects to face many Iraq-type conflicts in the coming years, wars that involve battling insurgents and restoring stability.