Battlefield: A big blue board where battles (explained later) are held.
The unified international rules, according to which battles are held, have been written specially for "Battle of the Nations".
A battle is held between two players and goes until one player or his girl faints, or he admits defeat.
Traditionally, battles of bands are held at live music events and forums.
The other nodded; together, they edged into an alleyway and took a threaded course toward the street where last night's battle had been held.
A naval battle was held on a flooded basin at the Field of Mars.
This battle was held differently, consisting of three 30 second rounds.
The battle was held at a place called Marathon.
A battle against Dr. Robotnik is held at the end of each third act.
He told me of it the other day because the last battle with the Threads was held over Ruatha.