Now, as the battle nears a legal showdown, the company name on the tongue of nearly every trader is Macmillan Inc.
But as the battle for Baghdad neared, the killing of civilians in a pair of bomb blasts brought more calls for a cease-fire.
As the battle of Buna neared its end, the fight for Wau was just beginning.
She realized now that something important must be at stake, that The Shadow's battle to thwart murder by magic was nearing a climax.
As the battle nears its conclusion, Alexander kills Darius, defeating the Persians once and for all.
Now, centuries later, as the battle to destroy the deadly Thread nears its end, the colonists renew their bond with the legendary shipfish.
The battle is nearing the end, and The Disciples, followers of Overlord, are winning.
His thin, fierce face had an indrawn look to it; the past year or so, he'd had a bad way of taking sick when battle neared.
As the battle nears, Starbuck and Fisk wish each other "good hunting".
Below the battle was nearing its conclusion, though the remnant of the lich army still writhed like a lizard's severed tail.