The festival is held on the fourth weekend each June and includes activities such as parades, carnivals, historic battle reenactments, pageants, and trade days.
They participate in battle reenactments and living history demonstrations throughout the eastern United States.
That means four full years of battle reenactments, period-piece balls and lectures by thickly bearded men.
The battle site encourages visitor to "step back in time" through its living history events, military exhibits, a film, battle reenactments, musket demonstrations, and interpretative programs.
The film re-established the now-popular image of the combat role African-Americans played in the Civil War, and the unit, often represented in historical battle reenactments, now has the nickname the "Glory" regiment.
He was very much into history, even helped finance some of the battle reenactments.
The event includes battle reenactments, food, music, and culture of the 19th century, began in 2004.
The festival which promotes Robert The Bruce's links to Dunfermline centres around a medieval village and is home to a food fayre, battle reenactments and displays of arts and crafts.
The game features video clips of battle reenactments, as well as Civil War music by folk singer Bobby Horton.
Living history is the only reenactment permitted on National Park Service land; NPS policy "does not allow for battle reenactments (simulated combat with opposing lines and casualties) on NPS property."