Director John Huston used unusual compositions and camera angles drawn from film noir to create an alienating battlefield environment.
In a battlefield environment, warning is usually provided by a wingman.
These systems are generally designed to deal with opponents neither wearing armor nor in a battlefield environment.
The concept is an alternative to the water jackets found on early machine guns, avoiding the effort of changing barrels during a heavy firefight in a battlefield environment.
These devices are designed to produce very large quantities of small particulate matter which acts as an obscurant in battlefield environments.
Possess an insight into the employment of forces in tactical operations under the battlefield environment.
Its primary use is for surveillance and observation in battlefield environments with downlinked video.
The solution to this new battlefield environment was both tactical and technical.
The Iron Cross was awarded for bravery in battle as well as other military contributions in a battlefield environment.
These fighters have been designed to operate in a "network-centric" battlefield environment and are principally multirole aircraft.