Even the little pieces like the beacon towers were nice.
One plan calls for a clear "beacon" tower that would be among the world's tallest structures.
The beacon tower was not the first daymark on Tasku island.
Near the beacon tower, on the rising spiral of the road to the high fortress, a light flickered and moved.
He leaned forward to study the Palmolive Building to make sure it still had its beacon tower.
Simatai Great Wall is 5.4 km long with 35 beacon towers.
Construction of this post was completed on July 3, 1796 and it was intended to defend the beacon tower.
A small beacon tower stood on an island of rocks at the Whirligig's heart, lighting the ice for skaters.
Moving like arthritic crabs, the in-humans climbed the beacon tower.
A peculiarly shaped craft screamed through the atmosphere and set down a few hundred yards from the beacon tower.