A bald-headed man with a beak nose, dour look and ferocious eyes peered down at him.
Roger Touhy grew up to be 5'6" tall, with curly hair and a beak nose.
Pocked, sunken cheeks, Iraqi beak nose, and one dark line of eyebrow.
He had a weak chin, big beak nose, and narrow-set eyes that squinted so tightly they appeared sealed shut.
He raised his head and levelled his scummy eyes down his beak nose.
He has a lean stoical face, thin lips and a beak nose.
Bowers, the third member of the team, was called Birdie because he had a beak nose.
I could picture his beak nose, his close-set eyes narrowed in thought.
A woman with a beak nose, graying hair, and closed eyes.
The face is usually wrinkled, with a larger head in relation to the body, a narrow face and a beak nose.