Their heads are roughly triangle shaped, with a spherical, somewhat beak-like nose.
He had red hair and a distinctive beak-like nose that quickly earned him the nickname of "Birdie" among his fellow explorers.
'There's blood in the air,' said Saxon, raising up his beak-like nose like a vulture which scents carrion.
His mask usually portrays him with a ridiculously long beak-like nose, often near as long as his whole face.
Thug Two, the redhead, was holding a bloody handkerchief to his beak-like nose.
Blade saw a lean brown face with extraordinary gray eyes on either side of a beak-like nose.
The eyes and the strong beak-like nose were the only indication of humanity in the man hidden in the elm.
Eriih sighed heavily through his beak-like nose.
Pa-cha is depicted as a naked to the waist human with a beak-like nose.
A beak-like nose projected from the Countess's mask and she wrinkled it in a suggestion of contempt.