The multiple measurements ensure that the minimum beam diameter is found and enable a "curve fit" that improves the accuracy of the calculation by minimizing measurement error.
See beam diameter.
In order to maintain a lower beam diameter, a crystal with a higher damage threshold, such as LBO, is used instead.
Such multi-mode lasers have a larger beam diameter and a greater divergence, which makes them less desirable.
If everything was uniform then the beam diameter would go on decreasing.
A cavity close to a confocal one means to be close to instability, which means the beam diameter is sensitive to cavity changes.
In this case the equipment is operated like a scanning electron microscope, with a resolution of about 0,1 mm (limited by the beam diameter).
This setup requires that the beam diameter is very small compared to the length of the telescope; otherwise undesirable aberrations will be introduced.
The lateral resolutions depends on the ultrasonic frequency, the acoustic beam diameter and the signal-to-noise ratio (contrast).
The useful beam diameter is also approximately 1/3 of the gap.