The wide beam of the spotlight lighted his way.
A beam from the window lit them.
Tasera looked up as they entered, a great beam of a smile lighting her face at the sight of Aitrus.
QX, but she was nobody's fighter-she didn't have a beam hot enough to light a match.
The beams of headlamps lit its way, but still it fluttered about uncertainly and had to be encouraged.
As we turned, the beams struck through the heavy armored windscreen and eerily lit the control deck.
The blue beam of the phaser's heavy stun setting lit the room and struck Keeyah directly in the chest.
And she did not have a beam hot enough to light a match-she must be all screen!
Off to the right and ahead of us through the trees, pale beams lit the night.
A stray beam lit her face, let him see her clearly and really close up for the first time.