The bean dish is eaten mostly during cold periods of the year because of high fat content.
He opened the door, saw who was standing on die other side holding a bean dish, and slammed it.
All bean dishes are good cold and make a splendid lunch if there is enough left over the next day.
Grilled vegetables, roasted red peppers and healthy bean dishes are among its star performers.
Rare is the Mexican bean dish that doesn't include it.
But in this black bean dish, it provides a sweet sea breeze to a dish with a lot of spice.
Tradition reigns in the kitchen, which turns out hearty Zagreb meat and bean dishes.
It may be added to different dishes, the most famous of which is a bean dish, and various pies.
With his hands he dishes out bowls of ful, a traditional bean dish.
Yet the people I cook for welcome bean dishes when they see them, at least for lunches or light suppers.