Rhema "saying" in this context bears a different meaning than Logos "word".
The name of the chief character, and title of the play, Matsukaze, bears a poetic double meaning.
There is a word in your tongue which bears a somewhat similar meaning.
A stop called Purdue Street came along, and it seemed to bear a certain meaning to him.
Heracleon suggests from a different context that the term bears a pneumatic meaning.
Attributing a writing to a specific apostle may also bear a symbolic meaning.
Since the article need not be made or adapted for burglary, stealing or cheating it bears a wide meaning.
They argued that the name bears a satanic meaning and conveys a negative image of the school and community.
In the canon law, the word bears a more extended meaning than in English law.
The secularity, bearing a meaning of a protection of believers, plays an important role to protect the state.