In late summer and early autumn the plants unusually often bear fruit and flowers at the same time.
As such, though the character is fictional, he bears some exaggerated resemblance to Rucker's interpretation of himself at the time.
Consequently, these tomatoes bear most of their fruit at nearly the same time.
A northbound local was bearing down on him at the time.
Uther's chair, which should have been borne back at the same time, was forging forward steadily in Arthur's wake.
"The tree of scientific knowledge tends to bear its fruit at the same time," he answered.
Individuals bearing separate flowers of both sexes at the same time are called simultaneously or synchronously monoecious.
It is also quite possible to identify a learning curve, which is beginning to bear fruit at the present time.
General Monk replied with her bow guns due to them being the only weapons bearing down on the Americans at the time.
It seems that various and conflicting pressures were bearing down on the duo at the time.