The bird flies through a nighttime garden, at first finding rose trees bearing only yellow and white blossoms.
Over it hung trees bearing scented blossoms and flowers glowed in profusion on all sides.
P. axillaris bears night-fragrant, buff-white blossoms with long, thin tubes and somewhat flattened openings.
True to its name, the plant bears blossoms that are a warm buff yellow color, with the characteristic hybrid musk fragrance.
The landscape was fantasy too: exotic enchanted plants grew high, bearing blossoms that natural flowers could never manage.
There were plants growing in the water, some of them bearing blossoms, others fruits ranging from green through red to purple.
Most kerrias bear double golden blossoms, which look a bit messy, something like wads of tissue paper.
If so, then in spring or summer they must bear fabulous scarlet or yellow blossoms.
A closer look revealed that this one branch, known by botanists as a sport, was indeed bearing blossoms in a new color.
But butterfly bushes don't bear blossoms of three colors on one plant.