For there, advancing towards us, were the women divided into four great companies, some of them bearing infants in their arms.
From somewhere nearby Toli appeared, bearing a sword in his arms.
Bearing Haplo in his arms, the lord walked calmly across the field of battle.
Another emerged from the same area, bearing a massive pickaxe in its uplifted arms.
I watched as she came close, bearing in her arms a burden, which I took to be a baby.
Bearing her in his arms he started straight back to Sickbay.
They turned round, and saw Diavolaccio bearing the young girl in his arms.
Soon she returned, bearing in her arms a number of bright shiny new guns.
When the two men had finished, they went into a neighbouring house and soon came out, bearing a corpse in their arms.
The God of Death manifested himself, bearing in his arms the queen's dead body.