Michael was elated: the Yankees had been doing better, and it was nice to see the bear show some respect.
The bear sliced it open with a claw and showed Lyra where to find the kidneys.
When these sites were closed, the bears showed significant decreases in body size, reproductive rate, and litter size.
Apparently the bad bear didn't show as much concern for eye/ear protection as do Brasco and his dad.
Despite their name, black bears show a great deal of color variation.
A big old black bear showed on the mountain opposite.
Bellowing in fury, the bear showed a mouth full of great yellow teeth, then fell back to all fours and went straight at Brienne.
That is a contention most scientists found reckless, given that polar bears have shown little ability to feed on land.
The bear was in the trail before them and showed no inclination to move.
The two bears settled down beside Todd and showed him diagrams on the reader's round screen.