Cut to the galleon's captain, a rugged, bearded character, emerging from his cabin to stare with Keatsian wild surmise at the horizon.
The annual also prominently featured a mysterious, bearded character dubbed "Clarence Mjork" who appeared on nearly every page, often superimposed by Schlechten over existing photos.
The climax, Harry decided, would come when the bearded character found the strange coupe parked on the road in front.
He remembered that leader, an amazingly tough looking bearded character, brandishing a machine gun, barking orders, completely in control.
Garden gnomes are small ceramic bearded characters (usually male) that are used as decoration in gardens and lawns.
Fortycoats - a gruff, bearded character in a costume made of ragged swatches of many different materials, he owned a flying sweetshop.
'Never you mind, mate,' replied the bearded character.
During the sound era St. John was mainly seen as an increasingly scruffy and bearded comic character.
DU's first live mascot was a bearded character who came to be named "Pioneer Pete" who first appeared in the 1930s.
Only known as "The Leader", this ancient bearded character proposes a philosophy where everything in this world is an illusion - even including sensations such as pain.