Many of the bearded guys in red suits have special instructions for reassuring customers this season.
A little bearded guy got out and hurried over.
Well, I continued my story, and every ten minutes the bearded guy stood up, left the room, and returned.
The big bearded guy with the pot belly and the gruff voice.
With what seemed foolhardy bravado, the bearded guy called out to Richard.
Like a big bearded guy with a bag of quarters.
The bearded guy came over and pulled a canvas chair out for her, saying, "You may as well enjoy yourself.
She looked up at the bearded guy and shook her head.
Donnell and the bearded guy went over toward the bar, behind where Greta was sitting.
"There wasn't anything like an army in town that I saw, just maybe a company of these bearded guys and the guerrilla turncoats."