There was a whoop of triumph as the bearded male held his stunner up like a prize.
A bearded male moved quickly forward and placed a hand over the camera lens.
A blonde bearded male crumpled up, clutching at his stomach, was dead before he rolled over.
Our lads reported that the crew of the vessel consisted of five bearded males, four * 344 of Middle Eastern appearance, one apparently Slavic-Caucasian.
They were as the captain had described: a female and a bearded male, both dressed in simple, dark outfits with no indication of rank or authority.
However some researchers have suggested that it is possible that in ecologies in which physical aggressiveness is more adaptive than cooperation, bearded males might be preferred by women.
One of them, a bearded male with sunken cheeks and skin the color of Korrush dust, made a sign to Othnam, who halted them.
Garden gnomes are typically males, often bearded, usually wear red hats and often have pipes.
The bearded males wear horned flat caps and double streams of water flow symmetrically to frame the niches.
Three other gai'shain with golden belts and collars, one a bearded male, stood along one wall of the tent, in case some service was needed.