For a moment there was a slightly confused expression on his youthful and beardless face.
He was large for a human, but younger than the rest, as attested to by his nearly beardless face.
The skin on his beardless face glows pink just anticipating it.
His eyes were dark brown, his face beardless and feminine.
That, and his absolutely beardless face, made him seem far younger than he was.
No longer a child but young, still, with a beardless open face, and so very great a power.
Telamon must have heard it too, for his young and almost beardless face had gone taut.
A narrow, beardless face frowned out at him from the half-open doorway.
He turned his remarkably smooth-skinned, virtually beardless face, which was dominated by 2 blue eyes, toward me.
The short stature, the beardless face, the high-pitched voice should have alerted us.