They are not particularly subtle Gamesmen, and in the beast form they lose intelligence, though they may fool you.
Her beast form is a black widow spider.
Gryphon was unable to speak in his beast form, but could understand everything Niall said.
The other man was still in his beast form.
Since he was a very small child, no one has ever touched Gryph in his beast form!
He is a Maximal and takes the beast form of a rat.
Unlike the original game, the player can transform in and out of their beast form at will when available.
In fact, the entire cast of fighters have various beast forms.
As the player progresses through the levels certain levels show a change in the player's beast (and possibly human) form(s).
The Evobine series are made up of five figures that each "evolve" from an egg to a hatch-ling to a beast form.