The beastly creature hissed and reached for the sword.
Jimmy had been driven from the promenade deck by the spectacle of this beastly creature lying swathed in rugs reading best-sellers to her.
What a pity that Bilbo didn't stab the beastly creature, when he said goodbye!
She had had absolutely nothing to do with that beastly creature in the glass.
Ah, beastly creature, The blot and enemy to our general name!
"Why do you talk to such beastly creatures?"
Then she comes face-to-face with a beastly creature which gives her a painful and poisonous lashing.
Or being sickly sentimental about those beastly creatures.
Early artistic reconstructions mostly presented Neanderthals as beastly creatures, emphasizing hairiness and rough, dark complexion.
"I was on the way out and I sensed the commotion these beastly creatures were creating," said the Professor.