Mike Powell, who beat Lewis in the world championship, qualified easily with one jump of 27-5 3/4.
Then he surprisingly won the 200, beating Lewis by 18 inches.
Rahman beat Lewis in April 2001 to become the heavyweight champion.
Such a match would be fascinating and allow Jones, if he should beat Lewis, to retire as a legend.
Johnson would beat Lewis once in 1985, but Lewis also lost to others, while winning most of his races.
He beat Lewis by a foot and bettered Lewis's 1988 world record of 9.92.
He was beating Lewis to the punch and continued to work the body.
He has beaten Lewis decisively in their two meetings this year and is favored here.
Jackson was given virtually no chance of beating Lewis and came into the fight as a 16-1 underdog.
Burrell has the year's fastest time, 9.96, and had beaten Lewis in two of three previous meetings.