After police beat confessions out of "Communist" staffers, Kaizō was forced to "voluntarily" dissolve in 1944.
The police have denied charges of having beaten confessions from Irish people in dragnet operations.
He became obsessed with a rogue detective who was accused of beating confessions out of Ms. Tyson and two witnesses in her murder case.
"No." "And would you be willing to beat confessions out of suspects you knew to be guilty?"
Dudley Smith's taking Bud White in to beat confessions out of our boys.
No, no, we don't go around beating confessions out of people here.
Honestly, the only time I beat confessions out of people is when I'm playing a cop on TV.
His predecessor simply beat confessions out of suspects.
They had nothing to do with the crime, but police had beaten false confessions from them.
"The police don't have investigative skills or tools," he said, "so they beat confessions out of prisoners and torture becomes a de facto method of policing."