Prison guards beat inmates, also routinely and with impunity.
The cells are run by Chinese or Burmese Mafia units who beat inmates.
However, continued reports of guards beating inmates soured the positive image that Blitch was trying to publicize.
They said the agreement, which prisoners contend gives guards much broader latitude to beat inmates, was in effect at the other units.
Arkansas rules authorized prison officials to beat inmates with a five-foot leather strap known as a "bull hide."
Prison conditions in Angola have been described as "life threatening," with guards regularly beating and torturing inmates.
But Legal Aid lawyers charged that they also beat inmates without cause.
Brutality by the guards was also a problem, as some took the offensive and began beating unruly inmates.
The rioters beat white inmates and attacked guards.
One officer, Roger Johnson, has been charged by Federal prosecutors with beating inmates along with other officers.